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A Very Holistic Approach to Anti-Ageing

We all have to get older, and we should see ageing as a privilege as not all of us have a chance. How you look and feel as you age… a lot of it, is actually within your own control. Let’s chat more about anti-ageing.

As a health coach my approach to wellness is to see the body as a whole. The health of the human body is strongly influenced by its environment, mind, social aspects, as well as diet and exercise.

Some of us are luckier than others when it comes to what we have inherited from our parents. However, some things that we are able to control that do have an impact on ageing are the foods we eat, the chemicals we use topically on our skin and in our environment. You may not want to hear this, but exercise also has a huge influence. This doesn’t have to mean intensive 90-minute cardio a week. You can choose walking over running but take stairs instead of lifts. There are many things that you can fit in to your daily routine, they then become habits.

What can be done?

There’s so much that you can do yourself to improve your lifestyle and slow down ageing.

The body constantly builds new cells to replace those that are old or poorly functioning. A plant-based diet that includes whole, ripe, raw organic fruit and vegetables along with sprouted beans, nuts, seeds, and grains, can greatly contribute to achieving optimum health.

Sleep also has a positive impact on healthy ageing, if we have enough of it that is. You notice when you have had a good night’s sleep, you feel energized and can think straight, but what is quality sleep? A minimum of 7 hours sleep regularly with limited interruption. There are many things that you can do to ensure this. Living a healthy lifestyle works well to promote sleep.

We need to eliminate free radicals whenever possible. What are they? They’re unstable molecules that cause damage: to cell membranes and structures.

What are the consequences?
Premature ageing. Chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease, inflammatory disease, cataract, cancer.
But there is a solution: Antioxidants. We discuss this further at The Winter wonderful you workshop on 5th January at Hawarden Wellness Centre.

As a trained health Practitioner, I have studied the effects of ageing and there’s so much you can do to slow this down. Contact me to book a free call or send me an email we can chat to see if you’ll be a good fit for a personal programme, we can then work together towards your goals.

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