Age heallthy, Healthy weight loss classes
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Eat healthy, age healthy

In case you haven’t figured it out, you do have to eat healthy in order to age healthy. For a life worth living, an active healthy lifestyle and good whole food is imperative.

Age is just a number. My 60th birthday snap

I don’t want to just grow old, I want to be fit and healthy as I do so.

Turning 60 last week (my birthday selfie!) has made me realise just how important this is. It would be an easy root to not get out of bed an hour earlier than I should do, or go to a cafĂ© in the morning instead of the gym. But if I did that, I wouldn’t feel as good as I do today. Plus actually, you begin to make it a habit and one that feels absolutely rubbish when you don’t carry it on. I’m very lucky to live in a place where I can walk in nature. If you don’t have that on your doorstep, please take time at the weekend to walk in a park, woods, beach, anywhere you can breathe in fresh air.

If you’re on the fence about this, shout out to me. I do give a free call no strings attached, I want to make people feel better and I want to make the world see how manipulative companies are convincing people their processed food is actually a good thing.

Age healthy: Eat healthy, move your body, sleep well, keep stress levels down.

Here’s a few good meal ideas to help convince you that healthy food is actually very nice indeed!

Lovely Lunch ideas

Consider swapping to sourdough bread which is better for digestion

  • Avocado spread on sourdough bread, topped with sun-dried tomato, spring onion and chopped green bell peppers
  • Save your left over stew or chilli, then the next day mix with a tsp of turmeric, stuff it in a wholemeal pitta bread with a handful of watercress and a squeeze of lemon to help absorb the iron.
  • Spread the sourdough bread with hummus, add chilli flakes, rocket salad and mango
  • Top a thick slice of sourdough with coconut yogurt, top with blueberries. Simply delicious!

Speedy Dinners

Late in from work with little time to cook try these instead of opting for a microwave meal.

  • Save some cooked rice to eat the next day. Pan fry spring onions, cashew nuts, spinach and button mushrooms, (no need to add oil) just fry in a little tamari, serve over the cold rice, fresh coriander and a squeeze of lime juice.
  • Cook lentil pasta, drain and add fresh tomatoes, chopped avocado, spinach 1 tbsp of natural plant based yogurt, pine nuts and a pinch of black pepper and sea salt.
  • Bake a sweet potato, then add organic warmed baked beans and spinach (throw some spinach in to the pan just before you take it off the heat) with a side salad of mung bean sprouts, cucumber, radish, rocket salad and lemon juice.

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Jo x

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